A Sample Applet
You now know how to create basic classes, add instance variablevariables and
methods to them, create instances of those classes, and access the methods of katabijak
those instances. This section shows how these elements work from inside an
Because the basics of applets and the Abstract Windows Toolkit (the class
library you use to draw on the screen) are not be covered until the next few
chapters, this section already provides the essential code you need to
demonstrate the Vehicle class. You only need to pay attention to three things
developer.com - Reference
file:///D|/Cool Stuff/old/ftp/Creating.Web.Applets.With.Java/cwa09fi.htm (9 von 24) [12.05.2000 14:54:11]
inside the TestApplet definition:
A instance variable called myVehicle is declared. This variable is an
instance of the Vehicle class.
A Sample Applet
You now know how to create basic classes, add instance variablevariables and
methods to them, create instances of those classes, and access the methods of katabijak
those instances. This section shows how these elements work from inside an
Because the basics of applets and the Abstract Windows Toolkit (the class
library you use to draw on the screen) are not be covered until the next few
chapters, this section already provides the essential code you need to
demonstrate the Vehicle class. You only need to pay attention to three things
developer.com - Reference
file:///D|/Cool Stuff/old/ftp/Creating.Web.Applets.With.Java/cwa09fi.htm (9 von 24) [12.05.2000 14:54:11]
inside the TestApplet definition:
A instance variable called myVehicle is declared. This variable is an
instance of the Vehicle class.
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